consultancy solvoz foundation

Open-Access Consultancy Services in the Solvoz Ecosystem

Technical Capacity and Support for All

The Solvoz Foundation offers consultancy services for This is a global and free-to-use catalogue with expert knowledge (watch our explainer video on the value of the Solvoz catalogue). The catalogue provides technical support to you and your organisation. It can also help organisations to define technical specifications, as well as provide auditable documentation. The Solvoz Foundation opens up technical capacity and expertise via the open-access catalogue, as well as building this up by open-access consultancies, for the benefit of all.

Open-Access Consultancy

The Foundation provides open-access knowledge for programmatic needs, providing technical specifications around products, services and designs. In addition, the foundation provides expertise to define and specify the use of a solution in a certain context, or supports the definition and composition of kits or response packages as well as provide more complex solutions (e.g. solid waste management solutions).

The foundation also supports request from our users to expand the catalogue upon needs, by either supporting expert working groups, as well as provide open-access consultancies. The foundation can help you define relevant technical and contextual criteria for your response, product, service or package. This knowledge will become freely accessible and contribute to the knowledge base in the catalogue. Specific consulting work – related to a specific use case, innovation or product – will (as per the foundation’s mission) become re-usable and beneficial for all users.

Consultancy Services

In order to support you, we can provide a range of roles and expertise. Services we provide:

  1. Build a sector- or organisation-specific catalogue;
  2. Standardising key attributes of products and services;
  3. Create solutions for context-specific operational programs;
  4. Guide users to implement solutions and designs;
  5. Provide ongoing technical support.

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