Coronavirus Response: A Call to Collaborate
Solvoz BV (the social enterprise) and the Solvoz Foundation make a call to collaborate to scale the Solvoz platform. With that we plan to add immediate value to the COVID-19 pandemic response. Solvoz’s vision is to make procurement and innovation in the aid sector more efficient, effective and responsible.
Solvoz is a procurement ecosystem. Firstly, it is a collaboration platform for procurement and tendering in the aid sector (“Tender Platform” in the figure below). Secondly, Solvoz Foundation supports Solvoz to build an open global catalogue of solutions, products, services and suppliers (“Solutions Database”). With these integrated services, the platform enables agencies, medical facilities and suppliers to improve their procurement process. COVID-19 has increased the needs for a response scenario, such as health facilities, laboratory facilities or physical health structures. The platform translates these needs into technical and non-technical requirements. These are suitable for the context in which the response is delivered.
Unique in this concept is the methodology developed by our foundation. The concept provides guidance for identifying responsible solutions – such as packages of services, products and designs – based on needs and context identified. Another important feature is the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) approach. Solvoz enables procuring aid agencies and facilities to include TCO information into their procurement process.
Project deliverable and impact
Our call is aimed at a rapid scaling of the Solvoz platform, enabling a launch next year. This launch would include the solution’s catalogue for the COVID-19 response and the integrated tender workflow. With the COVID-19 solutions database and the integrated tender workflow, Solvoz creates impact globally to…
- create a networked marketplace,
- match needs with solutions,
- provide open access expert knowledge,
- enable transparency and facilitate funding,
- gain insight into the worldwide, regional and/or local demand and supply and
- enable stockpiling visibility for future outbreaks or aid responses.
The investment on the core domains for the initial launch will enable other responses and (sub)domains to quickly open, utilising the same approach.
Contact us to collaborate
To conclude, we are asking for your collaboration when it comes to expert knowledge, your network or funding. Please contact us for more information.